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POSTERS THAT I MADE FOR AAP (aam aadmi party)


[image courtesy in 2 pics: SachiDa (a friend and a prolific, heart-winning photographer): watch his clicks here]

Monday 5 December 2011

In my childhood shoes again

Isolated from the world, stuck in the sorrow, broken-hearted, tears in the dreamless eyes, crouching in the darkness, I sat in my desolate room when the memories of my childhood flitted past me like a sweet smell brought from a distant lost celestial land...

..the innocent uncorrupt mind, that little sapling enjoying the warm wind on a sunny day unmindful of the thorns and fruits..that child face where the unadulterated emotions flown undisguised by the mask of politeness and civilization...dat lil body who never got soiled playing in the soil, when those small legs felt they can run any length of earth unflinchingly, wen those tiny hands had the power to capture the moon n the stars..when the mud was the precious jewel nd money a boring toy, when every way led to a carefree fun nd frolicker end, when every minute was a new mystery and the next minute d mystery solved..when every thirst was quenchable, every prayers were answered, every step focused nd determined, every act correct...when those untangled branches nd vines of thoughts were far from the floor of bloody evil tributaries of adulthood world....the heart mind and soul speaking one language and the unalloyed love being the only bond of relations nd religion..when the imagination was reality and reality a dream...when each of us was a lil explorer exploring d mystical creations of God..painting the whole world with our own self-thought colors....

Yes..my walls are still alive with those magical memories, my eyes still glinting with those obscure moments..but now the reality has changed its meaning! Vision more clear..brain more fertile nd sophisticated nd dreamful nd selfish...yes...eyes,smiles,laughter,tears still here but shamelessly robbed of its purity...love abounds but conditionally..heart still flies on the rhythm of love but gets subdued nd smothered in the fire of rational adulthood mind...heart fears,soul silent,mind playing....

No..i want to walk in my childhood shoes again..i want to play in my childhood dress again..i want to sleep on my childhood bed again..i wanna be a child again..

but alas!..the child is dead now with the shoes buried with him in the sands of time and the adult-self left to mourn at his silent peaceful demise....the childhood memories but a broken mirror reflecting the blur past in tiny sharp shattered pieces...
heaven lost..days gone..explorer dead!
tears..more tears...